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It is a violation of the Federal Law to use this product
in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.


Do not allow spray to contact ferns, hickory viburnum, lantana, crassula, or canaetri juniper as injury may result to plants. Do not apply to elms under conditions of drought, heat or disease. DILUTION RATE: 1 1/2 pts/100 gal or 2 tsp/gal. PESTS: Aphids (incl. cherry, green apple, rosy apple, snowball, and woolly apple aphid), bagworms, birch leafminer, boxelder bug, boxwood leafminer, chrysanthemum leafminer, elm leafminer, European pine shoot moth, fourlined leaf bug, Japanese beetle (adults), lace bugs, leafhoppers (incl. rose leafhopper), Locust leafminer, Mealybugs (incl. citrus mealybug), Mites (incl. boxwood, European red mite, gall mite, honey locust, oak, red spider, southern red mite, spruce and twospotted spider mite), potato leafhopper, psyllids (incl. boxwood psylla), Scales (incl. azalea, black, euonymus, fletcher, Florida red scale, juniper, magnolia, Monterey pine scale, oak, kernes, oyster shell scale, needle, scurfy scale, soft brown and wax scale), tarnished plant bug, tent caterpillar, thrips, whiteflies.
For Pine needle scale, (2 1/2 pts/100 gal or 4 tsp/gal.) apply when crawlers have settled. May be applied by mist blower. Repeat at 5 to 7 day interval as needed.

CHERRY: Rate: (1.5 pts/100 gal or 2 tsp/gal.) 3 pre-harvest day interval. Foliage application. For cherry fruit fly, repeat at 10 day intervals. For Forbes scale and San Jose scale, apply 21 days before harvest. PESTS: aphids (incl.. black cherry, black peach, green peach aphid), cherry fruit fly, codling moth, wyespotted bud moth, fruitree leafroller, Japanese beetle, (adults) leafhoppers, lesser Peachtree borer, mites (incl. spider, brown, European red, and twospotted spider mite), orange tortrix, oriental fruit moth, plum curculio, red-banded leafroller, scales (incl. Forbes and San Jose scale), thrips.
STRAWBERRY: Rate: 1.5 pts./100 gal or 2 tsp/gal. 3 days pre-harvest interval. Foliage application. Do not use where cyclamen mite is a problem. PESTS: Aphids, field crickets, leafhoppers (incl. potato leafhopper), leafrollers (incl, strawberry leafroller), mites (incl, spider mites, such as twospotted spider mite), rose scale, spittlebugs, strawberry root weevil, thrips, whiteflies.

CUCUMBER: Rate: 3 tsp/gal., I day pre-harvest interval. Do not apply unless plants are dry. Foliage application. PESTS: aphids, peckleworm, spider mites, cucumber beetles. BEANS: 1-1.5 pts./100 gal or 2 tsp./gal. 1 pre-harvest day interval. Foliar application. Make 2 or more applications as needed. PESTS: aphids (incl. bean aphid), bean leaf beetle, blister beetles, corn earworms, cucumber beetles, cutworms, darling beetles, spider mites (incl. twospotted spider mite), stink bugs. TOMATO: Rate: 2 tsp/gal. 5 pre-harvest days interval. Foliar application. For aphids, spider mites, and tomato russet mites, apply the higher dosage. PESTS: aphids, drosophilia, leafminers (incl. serpentine leafminer) spider mites (incl. twospotted spider mite), and tomato hornworms. CORN: Rate: 3 pts./100 gal. or 2 tsp/gal., 5 pre-harvest days interval. Foliar application, for aphids, apply spray formulation by locating pests in leaf sheath and use as much water as possible, direct spray into whorl, For corn rootworm, begin treatment when 10% of ears show silk. Make 4-5 applications at 3-5 day intervals. Injury may occur in whorl stage. For grasshoppers, apply at nymphal stage. PESTS: aphids (incl. corn leaf aphid), armyworms. cereal leaf beetles, corn rootworms (adults), grasshoppers, sap beetles, thrips, spider mites.

GNATS - MOTHS (all adults)
Dilute 1 to 24 parts with water, fuel or diesel oil (2% finished spray), or 1 to 9.5 parts with water, fuel, or diesel (5% finished spray). Apply a 2%-5% fog, aerosol or space spray. Average swath width is 300 to 400 feet, For mosquitoes, allow the finished spray to remain in the area for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Broadcast use only over intermittently flooded areas. Application may not be made around bodies of water where fish or shellfish are grown and/or harvested commercially. For flies, allow the finished spray to remain in the area for a minimum of 40 to 50 seconds. Repeat application as necessary. Avoid applying oil based spray to ornamental plants. Treat shrubbery and vegetation where mosquitoes may rest, shrubbery and vegetation around stagnant pools, marshy areas may also be treated.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited. Store in original container and place it in a cool, dry, locked or secured storage area.
Pesticide Disposal:
Pesticide wastes are toxic. Wastes resulting from the use at this product may be disposed of on site at an approved waste disposal facility.
Container Disposal:
1. Household (All) - Do not reuse empty container (bottle, can, bucket). Wrap container and put in trash. 2. Metal (All Sizes) - Triple rinse (or equivalent) and offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or by other procedures approved by state or local authorities. 3. Plastic (All) - Triple rinse (or equivalent) and offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or incinerate, or, if allowed by state and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.

GENERAL: Wear protective clothing to minimize skin exposure.
C A U T I 0 N
May be harmful if swallowed. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid breathing spray mist. Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Avoid contamination of feed and foodstuffs.
If Swallowed-

If Inhaled -

If on Skin -

If in Eyes -
Call a physician or Poison Control Center immediately. Drink promptly a large quantity of milk, egg whites, or gelatin solution, or, if these are not available, large quantities of water. Avoid alcohol. Do not induce vomiting as it may cause aspiration hazard. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

Remove victim to fresh air. Apply artificial respiration if indicated.

Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected areas with soap and water.

Flush eyes with plenty of water. Call physician immediately.
NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Malathion, upon repeated, prolonged, careless use may cause cholinesterase inhibition. Atropine is antidotal.
This product is toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic life stages of amphibians. For terrestrial uses, do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Drift and runoff may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in areas near the application site, Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
Do not pour, use, spill or store near heat or open flame.
7/ 2001 ORDER CODE EC-516
Warranty: Manufacturer and seller warrants that this product, as of time of sale conforms to the ingredient statement on the label, and is reasonably fit for the purpose set forth in the Directions for Use. Except as so warranted the product is sold as is. Manufacturer makes no other warranty express or implied.
EXCUSE FROM NON-CONTROLLABLE CONDITIONS. Because of certain critical conditions created or incurred by buyer or user over which manufacturer has no control, buyer and user as a condition of purchase or use, assume responsibility for and release manufacturer from, liability arising out of handling or use of this product attributable lo such causes. No person is authorized to vary or waive statement contained herein.